Lobster Boat Parts
Quality Marine Hardware
RE Thomas Marine Hardware is proud to be an OEM supplier of lobster boat parts to the world's finest Downeast boat builders.
We also manufacture replacement lobster boat parts for virtually all makes of inboard powered Downeast boats including Wesmac, Calvin Beal, Young Brothers, BHM, Holland, Duffy, Crowley, Bruno Stillman, H&H, Mussle Ridge, Sisu, Northern Bay, Flowers, and more...
Whether you're replacing an old stuffing box, or doing a complete stringers-up restoration, our knowledgeable staff is standing by to assist with your project.
Lobster Boat Running Gear

Custom Aqualoy 22 Propeller Shafts
Tapered and Split Couplings
Shaft Tubes (Fiberglass, Bronze)
Dripless Shaft Seals
Stern Bearings
Rudder Ports
Piranha Rope Cutters
Propeller Shaft Seals & Stuffing Boxes
RE Thomas Marine Hardware manufactures our own line of heavy duty self-aligning shaft seals. Our seals combine the proven reliability of traditional bronze stuffing boxes with the benefits of a modern dripless seal. Our shaft seals are designed for today's higher horsepower lobster boats with the goals of safety, performance, and reliability.
Unlike modern dripless shaft seals with mechanical "lip seals" or "face seals", our shaft seals are less likely to fail. There's no rubber bellow to rip or lose compression, and there's no fragile carbon stator to crack. Our shaft seals also feature heavy duty bronze hose fittings that won't snap off and cause flooding.
We also manufacture traditional bronze stuffing boxes for lower horsepower Downeast style lobster boats.

Dripless Shaft Seals
SA Series | Self-aligning
Heavy duty shaft seal system combining the trusted reliability of a traditional bronze stuffing box with the benefits a modern dripless shaft seal.

Shaft Seal with Bearing
ISB-SA Series | w/Bearing
The PERFECT upgrade for a traditional bronze stuffing box. The built-in water lubricated bearing supports the shaft while self-aligning shaft seal keeps your bilge dry.

Stuffing Boxes
SB Series | Bronze
Traditional bronze stuffing boxes found on older Downeast lobster boats. Heavy duty design and precision machining make this the best "old fashion" stuffing box those looking for period correct marine hardware.
Rudder Ports & Rudder Skeg Bearings
Our rudder ports are specifically designed for the large rudders typically found on Downeast lobster boats. While these rudders allow for exceptional steering, they generate incredible stress on the rudder shaft and rudder port. Traditional bronze "packing nut" style rudder ports just can't handle the stress and end up leaking or worse (cracking).
Our PK and RPG series rudder ports eliminate the need for a packing nut providing exceptional performance and durability. Rudder force is no longer concentrated into the packing nut threads; instead, the force is supported by the entire body of the rudder port housing.
For lower horsepower lobster boats, we still manufacture traditional rudder ports in several different flange sizes and shaft diameters.

Rudder Ports
PK Series | Gland Style
Heavy duty bronze rudder port featuring a gland style packing assembly specifically designed for higher horsepower Downeast Lobster Boats.

Rudder Ports
MP & RP Series | Packing Nut
Traditional bronze rudder stuffing box common on older "low horsepower" Downeast lobster boats. Precision machined to the highest tolerances to ensure years of reliable service.

Rudder Skeg Bearing
Bronze Skeg Bearing
Heavy duty bronze rudder skeg bearing (i.e. rudder step or rudder shoe) typically found on Downeast Lobster Boats. These bearings support the bottom of the rudder shaft.
Shaft Bearings & Shaft Tubes
Whether your boat has a dry keel or a more traditional wet keel, we have the parts you need. We are an OEM supplier of both traditional bronze housings and fiberglass shaft tubes fitted with Johnson Cutless© bearings.
When it comes to running gear configurations, lobster boats can be particularly challenging. We'll help you design a safe and efficient running gear system for your boat.

Stern Bearings
SBB Series | Cutless Housing
Heavy duty bronze stern bearing housing for Downeast Lobster Boats featuring Duramax Johnson Cutless Bearings.

Intermediate Bearings
ISB Series | Heavy Duty
Most lobster boats require at least one shaft bearing between the stern bearing and engine coupling. Our intermediate shaft bearings are an ideal option.

Fiberlass Shaft Tubes
Custom Designed
We can manufacture custom bronze shaft tubes (stern tubes, shaft logs) for Downeast style lobster boats. We carry a large inventory of Centek shaft tubes in stock.

Bronze Shaft Tubes
Custom Designed
We can manufacture custom bronze shaft tubes (stern tubes, shaft logs) for Downeast style lobster boats.
Custom Propeller Shafts and Rudder Posts

Custom Propeller Shafts
Aqualoy 22© | Western Branch Metal
Need a new propeller shaft for your lobster boat? We carry a large inventory of Aqualoy 22 propeller shafts in diameters from 1" to 3". We offer quick turnaround and free pickup and delivery throughout Maine and into New Hampshire.
Aqualoy 22 is the highest grade of marine propeller shafting and the only grade we carry.
Need help calculating the required shaft diameter and safety factor? Our engineers can help you choose the correct size propeller shaft and Cutless© bearing placement.
Other Cool Lobster Boat Parts...

Piranha Line Cutters
Shaft Mounted
Dual serrated cutting blades, and ease of installation make these shaft mounted line cutters a popular choice. Trusted by professional mariners including the Canadian Coast Guard.

Bronze Tiller Arms
TA Series
Heavy duty bronze tiller arms found on lower horsepower Downeast lobster boat steering gear systems (cable and hydraulic). Available for rudder post diameters between 1" and 2.5".

Transom Zincs
N1 "Fat Zincs"
Twice the mass of traditional N1 transom zincs. These zincs last twice as long as traditional zincs saving you time and money. The best replacement part for Downeast lobster boats.

Bronze Deck Plates
Heavy Duty | Watertight
Heavy duty bronze deck plate ideal for gaining access to fuel tanks, underwater LED lighting modules, etc. Watertight with heavy duty threads for extended service life.